
Afro-Egypt J Infect  Endem  Dis  2015 March ; 5(1):51  


Video case: Multiple sessile gastric polyposis in ulcerative colitis patient

Tarik Zaher

Tropical Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine ,Zagazig  University, Egypt                           


43 years old man presented with epigastric pain and bleeding per rectum. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (Video1) revealed multiple sessile gastric polyposis. Histopathological examination of one polyp revealed H. pylori related inflammation .  Colonoscopy        (Video2) detected ulcerations and hyperemic inflammations of the rectal and sigmoid mucosa. Histopathological examination of colonic and rectal biopsies revealed ulcerative colitis with mild activity .Finally the question is: Is there any relation between gastric and colonic lesions?