Afro-Egypt J Infect  Endem  Dis  2013 March;3(1):32



Image Case :Sub-capsular Pyogenic Splenic Abscess: Feasibility of Ultrasound Guided Drainage


EmaraMH, Abd-Elwahab M,Abo-Sheash SE


Tropical Medicine Department , Faculty of Medicine , Zagazig University, Egypt  





We reported a 58-year old female with chronic liver disease, type 2 diabetes, ischemic heart disease and hypertension presented by left hypochondrial dull aching pain. She denies fever, malaise, nausea, vomiting, bowel habit disturbance and dysuria. On examination she looked mildly toxic, blood pressure 140/80, pulse 68 regular, temperature 37 C. Ultrasonographic examination revealed subcapsular collection in the spleen that was further confirmed in abdominal CT scan (figure 1). Ultrasonographic guided aspiration (figure 2) and broad spectrum antibiotics including cefoperazone and ciprofloxacin to the isolated gram negative bacilli depending on the culture and sensitivity testing achieved complete response .