Afro-Egyp J Inf  End Dis  2011 Sep ;1(1):12-15


Thrombosis, an Early Presentation and Extensive Spondylosis, a Late Complication  of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
 Emara MH,   Zaher TI, Bahgat M
Tropical Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt.



Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) comprises two major disease entities, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, that may be complicated by a variety of extra-intestinal manifestations. We reported a 55 years old male patient presented by leg thrombosis years before developing florid intestinal manifestations of IBD. After a detailed history taking and investigations, the patient proved to have ulcerative colitis with extensive spondylosis of the spine and had thrombocytosis. The condition of the patient improved on medical therapy for ulcerative colitis plus anti-platelet drug.